Exciting News!
The All Peoples Synagogue is now in the process of constructing the most magnificent virtual Synagogue to serve humanity via ‘Chai’ tech online.
Welcome to Your New Virtual Synagogue
South Florida is home to the 2nd largest Jewish population in the United States, and 90% of the Jews in South Florida are not affiliated with any temple.
From Rabbi Frank

Faithfully yours, B’Shalom, “In Peace”
Rabbi Frank
My late father, Rabbi Dr. Emmet Allen Frank stated, “a person wants to ‘belong’, to have a connection, to their Jewish heritage”. I now put forth to you, an important, spiritual and religious challenge. Be guided by your heritage and choose to ‘belong’ to the All Peoples Synagogue of South Florida.
Moses asked, and the people responded with overwhelming generosity, enthusiasm and love. Rabbi Frank now asks you to respond with your overwhelming generosity, enthusiasm and love. Our peoples tradition of generosity toward the construction of a “House of Worship” has been an ancient tradition. I pray this tradition of generosity will continue through you. God spoke to Moses, saying, “tell the Israelite people to make a contribution, from every person whose heart moves them… and let them make me a sanctuary that I may dwell among them forever”.
“And the Houses of Worship in the Wilderness, Jerusalem and South Florida were constructed. It was a demonstration by the people to their loyalty and faith in God. And so it is! Amen!”